T/n: On the latest episode of Yoo Quiz, where Min Heejin appeared, they mentioned SNSD and the picture below was shown on the screen editing Jessica out

original post: here
1. But Jessica's fans also hate her being mentioned with SNSDㅋㅋㅋ
2. This makes me wonder whether it was this necessary??? But when watching the episode I didn't even noticed she was outㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. They're 8 anyways, so they were right
4. Fact: The debate shouldn't even be whether it was necessary that Yoo Quiz removes her.
They just took a picture on internet already edited with the 8 people
SNSD fans are more comfortable looking at pictures of the 8 of them together
and to muggles, they don't care whether it's OT9 or OT8
so what's there to debate???
5. She's not a criminal, but she's also not a member...
6. She withdrew
7. It's my first time seeing someone who isn't a pigeon or who quit their group get this kind of treatment when they're not even criminalsㅋㅋ but at the same time, she's not a member either
8. Why must they?ㅋㅋ Because they know that this is what SNSD fans would prefer. And Jessica already left, so isn't it better that she's edited out?ㅋㅋ
9. It's just funny, they can use whatever picture they want
10. I'm not an SNSD fan, but they had tact for removing her