Monday, June 27, 2016


Yesterday, AOA was about to leave to country and a lot of people who took the airplane with Jimin witnessed her reading a Korean history book in the airplane while going to her foreign promotions.
I think that those people who don't know anything but swear at her calling her Kindokkang and swearing at her with Ahn Jung Geun should reconsider Jimin.
Jimin was obviously in the wrong but she's making an effort to correct what she's lacking and slowly making up for it and I think she's pretty cool for doing this.
This promotion must've made her suffer a lot, but I hope that she can overcome this and hit daebak with the next promotion...

post response:
original post: here

ㅋ |2016.06.27 20:45 신고하기
I agree, Jimin surely knows that she made a mistake and is trying to fix herself up. Since I'm not a fan, I don't know what she's really thinking but she makes it seems soㅇㅇ

ㅇ |2016.06.27 20:28 신고하기
It's not an easy thing to do, even as another fan, I find her cool bb That's not something she would do to show off but the action really comes from her heart

ㅇㅇ |2016.06.27 20:41 신고하기
ㅇㅇ.. Seeing her hardworking self is really cool...

ㅇㅇ |2016.06.27 22:41 신고하기
Oh she's taking this opportunity to study history so I don't think there's anything to reproach her anymore. There are so may other celebrities who once they commit a mistake, they would apologize yet not change anything..

ㅇㅇ |2016.06.27 22:09 신고하기
Oh that's unexpectedㄷㄷ When she apologized she said "I will not be ashamed to be a Korean and go to the historical hall", I thought she was all talk but she actually did it, huge positive vibe coming from her...

ㅇㅇ |2016.06.27 23:32 신고하기
To the haters who are saying that she's showing off to other people.. Do you know that the majority of people who've done something wrong like this will pretend that nothing happened and hide from embarrassment instead? Jimin is trying not to bring back the controversy again, but she's also trying to overcome it by working hard. I think that she's damn amazing to be acting that way, why must you swear at her at all cost?..

ㅎ |2016.06.27 23:19 신고하기
She probably feels so ashamed of that controversy that she would want to escape from it.. Yet she's still facing it and reflecting on in, it's good to see

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