post response: +498
original post: here

1. [+4338/-84]
Go to his official website and take a high quality picture of him please. He has his new drama posters out already, what is this? We're not even in the 90's...
2. [+3816/-161]
I hate this kind of article. Both of them worked hard and I wish that both get positive results
3. [+2259/-119]
Blow up both of you!!!
4. [+1684/-96]
Please show us good acting, both of you
5. [+1587/-108]
Wow, both of them are tall and debuted as models. I like them both
6. [+233/-13]
You shouldn't reply those kind of articles. If you comment, trash journalist will write even more articles like thisㅋㅋㅋ just don't give them attention
7. [+212/-18]
People will watch what they like so why always pitting them against each other?