post response: +47
original post: here
1. [+90/-5]
It's my first time seeing Tzuyu cry... She's indeed still a baby..ㅠ It must be hard to promote as a celebrity in a foreign country... Tzuyu-yah, find strengthㅠ
2. [+76/-4]
Looks like the food is a memory to her... Lee Yeonbok chef nim made a homely dish... Tzuyu-yah, don't cry...fighting~!
3. [+67/-2]
People who live overseas will understand. You feel overwhelm when you taste food that reminds you of home
4. [+58/-3]
ㅠㅠㅠ Tzuyu, find strength
5. [+49/-1]
She was only 14 and she came live in a country where she couldn't even communicate properly. She must have had a lot of hardship.. My heart breaks..
6. [58/-7]
If a high schooler is this pretty, how much prettier will she be in her 20's
7. [+38/-1]
Lee Yeonbok chef nim was able to deliver a message in Chinese by using his senseㅠㅠ
8. [+38/-1]
Tzuyu-yahㅠㅠ Don't cryㅠㅠㅠㅠ