post response: +344
original post: here

1. [+1443 , -106]
Wow crazy, even the side tracks are crazy
2. [+1243, -84]
Red Velvet's title track is good but the side tracks are seriously to die forㅠㅠ I wish that they release their side tracks too. ICC, Dumb dumb and One of these nights were all good but their side tracks can do well too
3. [+1049, -91]
Let's get #1...!!!
4.[+968, -77]
Oh... the song is seriously addicting, it's daebak
5. [+935, -73]
This song is seriously crazy... They are all concept gangstersㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I like Red Velvet's unique color so much!!!!<3 <3
6. [+278, -16]
I can guarantee that this will be a daebak... It's awesomely addictive..
7. [+251, -10]
The album as a whole is pretty high quality. Red Velvet fighting, let's win #1 with Russian Roulette