(From 55 seconds)
Bris X life
Couple Reacts
Cameron Philip
King Kenny Slay
In conclusion
1. Kpop is growing so those Youtubers` strength has grown
2. Since J-pop was been copying Kpop a lot lately, Youtube is starting to stricken their copyright rules
3. So anything Kpop related on Youtube was deleted
original post: here
1. I don't think it's from CJ
2. CJ actually likes the reaction channels, they even sent them to Kconㅇㅇ Why would they delete their videos
3. Wow this is very shady..
4. But CJ's email is indeed CJ.net... This is so weird
5. Hul do they have to go this far? CJ give us some feedback fastㅠㅠ
6. I think it's really from CJ, Produce48 will be a mess
7. But I watch a lot of reaction channels and I entered the fandom of a lot of groups by watching their reactions...
8. This is crazy
9. But reaction channels promote Kpop so much;; At this point they're ruining it