Friday, December 21, 2018


original post: here

1. [+418, -133]
Tsk.. When Sulli was promoting, she was seriously the prettiest in my heart.. but kids do change when they grow up

2. [+311, -103]
She's not as fresh anymore.. even her teeth are getting yellow

3. [+163, -9]
Her hair looks too weird ㅠㅠ I hope that she can go back to long hair soon ㅠㅠ

4. [+208, -83]
It's just that there are so many pretty kids nowadays, it's not that Sulli's looks are downgrading or anything

5. [+69, -6]
She was really pretty when she was singing "do it do it chuu~~~ "ㅎㅎ

6. [+58, -2]
SM really likes gummy smiles. BoA, Lee Yeonhee, Sulli, Joy

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