Since I keep on hanging out with the same people, I keep seeing their bad traits. We are comfortable with each other and it's fun but there are also a lot of times when I feel annoyed with them.. Is it because we became too close? Like I said, there are times when we are comfortable with each other but I also feel annoyed... ㅠㅠ Going to school isn't fun either. We will be graduating soon so I just have to endure a little bit...
"You are mad because of the people of this world?"
Even if you are bored with your friends, don't treat them thoughtlesslyㅎ; If you start talking to your friends harshly and that they leave you, you will go back and stick to themㅎㅎ
But don't treat your friends badly kidsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ they will seriously be sad and hurt.. if you start treating them badly out of the blue, they will feel sad