Right now, we have in total 11 award shows;;;; Half of them has no prestige. Singers will die at this point
post response:
ㅇㅇ | 2019.01.24 20:17 신고하기
AAA, Soribada, Genie, The Fact, let's get rid of them all
추천 68
반대 1
ㅇㅇ | 2019.01.24 19:58 신고하기
Should just keep it to MMA, Golden Disc and Gaon. And the Gayo Daejun, Daejejun and Daechukjae
추천 59
반대 3
ㅇㅇ | 2019.01.24 20:20 신고하기
If they do it, will the production and sound systems be good though? There's almost nothing that I like among the ones we have now
추천 35
반대 1
ㅇㅇ | 2019.01.24 19:52 신고하기
How many award ceremonies are they gonna make for a small country like ours? Back then, there were only a few of them and it was worth to watch but I'm getting tired of them now
추천 25
반대 1
볶 | 2019.01.24 20:42 신고하기
TMA : Too Much Awards
추천 17
반대 1
ㅇㅇ | 2019.01.24 22:41 신고하기
Keep Mama, MMA and Golden Disc and get rid of the rest
추천 15
반대 0