Thursday, January 24, 2019


The trend actually started in the 80s

(more pics in original post)

original post: here

1. I feel like people will start copying this look like crazy because Kang Daniel did it yesterday at the concert

2. This is not it.... It's too much

3. I feel like they're all fine!! I wish all male idols could wear it...!!

4. If you want to wear this, you can't have a belly, I'm not even talking about flat stomach, but you literally need abs... It looks cool

5. As a guy, if I wanted to wear this, I need a good body ;ㅁ; If I had abs, I would love to wear an open-side tank top (t/n: those that has big holes) I feel like girls have such a wide array of choices, but for guys, we only have shirts, pants, shoes and variance of those. I wish that we can create a culture where we can wear a variety of things too

6. Not pretty to look at 

7. It's nice?ㅋㅋㅋ I hope it becomes a trend

8. It's nice? Of course only if you have a nice body

9. I just realized that this is what Gosoo was wearing

10. I seriously hate it

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