Tuesday, February 26, 2019


What to do?

SR: Kim XX, just give anything that B-ssi wants. Reserve 3-4 on the Arena's Main. There's a client from Taiwan. Call OO for help.

Kim XX: Which girl can I call right now? Moreover, he's a Chinese, OMG. First of all, let's fix all the space. B-ssi is a woman alone.

Yoo: Don't get B ssi mixed up with other people. Take care of XX.

Kim XX: I will stick to her

SR: Get it right Kim XX, don't mess this up

Yoo: Take someone who can't speak English like Lee ssi (Current Burning Sun's representative), anyone that Bssi can take in

Kim XX: The 2 main spaces will have security guard around them. I will go and take good care of it

SR: Ok what about the girl? Take the one who will sleep with them

Kim XX: I am calling them right now, but I wonder if they will accept. Do you think they will accept if it's not you guys ㅋㅋㅋ First of all, I'm in the middle of calling the cheap ones, wow... the size that girl would take... there's are 3 other who are more pig than I am. Let me call OO (woman) first. They said that they were Taiwanese gangsters. ㅋㅋ

Singer C: Chinese people like girls who look like they had surgery

SR: Anyways, do it right

Yoo: Since I'm preparing the prostitutes right now, once the 2 people come, XX will be inside and take them all the way to the hotel rooms. 2 is enough right?

Kim XX: Yes. Send those 2 gangsters over

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.26 12:22 신고하기
Can we stop consuming Bigbang already, once they all discharge and release songs again, don't listen to them. Just thinking about them being celebrities and earning money makes me mad

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.26 12:27 신고하기
The most horrible part is this. "If it's not you guys, you think they will accept?" = So those bast*rds in that katalk room think they can call girls over and they will get it. ㅎ

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.26 15:39 신고하기
I respect Kang Kyungyoon journalist nim~ the Choi Jongbum affair, Kang Yongsuk, Kang Seunghoon, Microdot, Jo Jaehyun, Seungri, she's the one who exposed them all 

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.26 12:16 신고하기
He lives such a disgusting life

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.26 13:47 신고하기
Yah he's impressive. He calls himself the Great Gatsby on broadcast, and f*cking promotes the hell out of himself while he's lowkey dissing his hyungs for doing drugs and act all self-righteous. Meanwhile he's the one getting prostitutes for himself, isn't he so disgusting? Yah, you are way more disgusting taking women as some whine and dine material and drugging them than your hyungs doing drugs

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