Wednesday, April 3, 2019


I'm just a casual person who subscribed to all celebrities' YT channel and recently looked at AOA Chanmi's video when she was doing a room tour of Jimin's room.

During the video, her bookshelf appeared for a little moment so I got curious of the books that Jimin was reading (I know it's f*cking random and I'm also surprised that I'm curious about these thingsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ anyways, that's not the important part...)

This is the screencap

There were a few books on Korean history....
If you zoom in, you can see that she's reading:

- Living Korean Modern History book
- Look at Korean History
- Special Lecture on Korean History
- Fun Korean History 5 (Korean Empire and Japanese Colonialism)
- Fun Korean History 6 (Korea)

This was the apology she posted back then
"Hello, this is AOA's Jimin.
I took on the history quiz corner aired on OnStyle's 'Channel AOA' on May 3, and in that situation, I did not recognize Ahn Joong Geun's portrait. I even approached the subject lightly and showed an inappropriate attitude to many people.
As a celebrity in the public eye, I sincerely apologize for causing people to disapprove because of my playful mindset.
I apologize.
No excuse will cover my mistake.
Through this incident, I've learned that ignorance is the biggest mistake.
I give my sincerest apologies and will deeply reflect on my actions.
From now on, I'll do my best to have a knowledge of history I won't be embarrassed by not only as a celebrity, but as a Korean citizen.
Once again, I deeply apologize for my mistake. I'm sorry.
-posted by AOA's Jimin."
CR: Allkpop

You can see that she did not say empty words back then and that she sincerely worked hard to reflect.
She made a mistake but acknowledged it and corrected it so I want to praise her for that

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2019.04.02 02:54 신고하기
People might not like her since her image on broadcast is strong but she's very sensitive, warm and sincereㅇㅇ I can feel that she's amiable and good-hearted

ㅇㅇ |2019.04.02 02:34 신고하기
I watched that video too and I recognized these books right away. I seriously suddenly find her so cool

ㅇㅇ |2019.04.02 02:35 신고하기
Hul how did you find that? Impressive that you discovered this

ㅇㅇ |2019.04.02 08:42 신고하기
You can see her mindset compared to other people,, way different than that other person who pretended to be sorry

ㅇㅇ |2019.04.02 08:50 신고하기
If I were her, I'd feel way to down to even open a Korean history book. I'm kinda reflecting after seeing this post

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