Saturday, August 3, 2019


Article talks about her concert on the 3rd in Seoul Tiffany Young Open Heats Eve.
It's been 3 years since she came to Korea and she filled a stage with 1500 people on that day. 
She mentioned "The short moments were too short and the long days felt very long. There were a lot of shining moments but there were also a lot of dark times. I wanted to give up, but I wanted to come all the way here to meet you guys."

She sang: Over My Skin, Heartbreak Hotel, Talk, Not Barbie, Yellow Light, Teach You, I Just Wanna Dance, Runaway, The Flower, FOOL, Lips On Lips, Born Again, etc. 

But there was a small disappointing part left. She had a lot of time to comment, but just like the songs, she did it in English. Seohyun also said "It felt like she's a foreign artist performing in Korea". 
Of course, English is an international language and she must feel the need to connect with her fans around the world, but she spent 10 years promoting in Korea, so it's just basic principles that she should've used Korean after 3 years of not performing here. 

original post: here

1. Why does the article keep referring her to Tiffany Young?

2. But she is indeed American... Still it's a bit disappointing, the fans must've wished she could talk in Korean

3. She really lacks in her treatment to the Korean fans, she was one of the members with the most Korean fans

4. She's been promoting in the US all this time, all the content of her album is in English so of course she's going to use English, are you dumb?

5. Does this journalist not know what she/he's talking about? Seohyunie wasn't even talking about her concerts in Korea

6. But Seohyunie said that it's like a foreign artist performing in Korea in a good way?

7. She spent so much time in the US so she just naturally forgot Korean? She's American, she has the choice to not talk in Korean

8. The article is reaching too far, Tiffany used both Korean and English

9. But this is a Korean show so must she speak English...

10. Look at the article trying to stir thingsㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

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