Sunday, August 25, 2019


Do you think that...

1. You're f*cking gorgeous (you're famous at school, even other schools know you because of your face)
2. You're pretty (you hear a lot of compliments if you wear heavier makeup, you're above average)
3. Average (you don't look unpleasant. Even though there are a lot of areas you can improve on physically, you're just average)
4. Below average

post response:
original post: here

1. [+166, -2]
About 2.5 ish..?

2. [+119, -13]
No but ㅋㅋㅋㅋ why are there so many downvotes on people who comment 1 or 2...? Do others have to be dissatisfied with their faces if you are with yours?

3. [+104, -17]
The comments are really showing the real justice ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (i.e. if you're pretty, you get downvoted)

4. [+58, -3]
Is this place some kind of school gathering or something?

5. [+54, -1]
Do we have to self-objectify ourselves? I'm the most envious of people who are able to love themselves. They don't hurt others either. My confidence is at floor-level so I'm so jealous of people who are confident

6. [+47, 0]
I'm below average. I'm seriously below average and I wanna die. When I look at the mirror, I just think that I'm f*cking ugly but when I take pictures, I think that I'm even uglier. My selcas look ugly too but when my pictures are taken with the back camera, I just wanna puke at myself. Even if I was reborn, I wouldn't know what I would want to be.. The plastic surgery fees are also too expensive. The answer is just to kill myself right? Sigh...

7. [+47, -4]

8. [+44, -1]
Isn't it weird that there are almost no 2's?... I get that there are not a lot of f*cking gorgeous girls either but kids that I would consider to be "pretty" are scattered everywhere downtown. And even in our class, I could name 1~2 of them

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