Friday, August 23, 2019


Crazy, he's f*cking handsome though..??

"He's a boy named Danny Bowman (19 at that time) who lives in the UK, Newcastle. Every time he took a selfie (selca), he wasn't satisfied with the outcome so he tried killing himself by overdosing on pills. His mom found him and saved his life."

post response:
original post: here

1. [+532, -13]
If this person comes to Korea, he'd feel f*cking handsome

2. [+518, -7]
Ah, I think I understand him. Delicate-looking guys get f*cking tormented overseas...

3. [+501, -65]
If he's ugly, then what about the guys in the streets of Korea?

4. [+146, -1]
Tried killing himself because of his looks... whether you find him handsome or ugly, let's not judge his looks

5. [+126, -62]
I'm a girl and I think that this is not right. Why are you guys bringing in Korean guys here? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ you girls can't stand guys judging women's looks and are going "Hannam, hannam", but it's not different than you girls comparing him to that foreigner?? Stop provoking each other.. The original post isn't even mentioning Korean men

6. [+99, 0]
But seriously, even if he looks objectively beautiful and cool, he can still be unsatisfied with his looks. You seriously can never guess what people think about themselves so let's not be too obsessed about looks. I'm not only talking about teens but even adults, they are obsessed with pretty and handsome people... calling them cute-sexy or Siberian fox or whatnot... ^^

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