"There were seriously a lot of guys who would harass that friend back then, just because she was chubby. Lee Taeyong was one of the guys, he would treat the girls he found pretty (by his standards) and who were lively well, but will look down on kids who weren't lively and who were ugly (by his standards)."

Taeyong's fans are trying to shield him to death calling all of this a "rumor" and are acting like he's the victim
The people who were directly involved in this uploaded evidences and the victims of that time said that they still have memories of being ostracized and are still hurting.
"First of all, I'll prove my legitimacy with this graduation photo, we were in the same class in our second year. I made an online cafe with our class' students and you could only join by using your real name. Swears were also prohibited. I didn't want to do it like that but had no choice since the TA and the homeroom teacher were also in the cafe. First of all, the first person who shared Taeyong's rumors on community sites didn't provide any proof of graduation album, I don't know who shared it either. The thing I'm sure of is that if I wasn't a student of our class, I wouldn't be able to write this, nor would I be able to join the cafe."

"Title of the cafe: the superior class 4
Lee Taeyong: Hul XXX... there are 10 people in the photo but I'm seeing 13"

"The name I hid is my friend's name and it's true that this was written by Lee Taeyong. His ID got rejected a couple of times it's known that he has 4 IDs"
T/N: the long text is a repeat from the first screenshot, the OP said "if you click on that ID, it will say that it's rejected, but the ID digits will come out".

"The post with the group picture was made by me. I thought that naming the group "the superior class 4" would be a good idea"
(The screenshot below shows that the name of the group cafe is 'the superior class 4' on the last row. It also shows that the cafe is set on "private")

Also, the fact that I made the group cafe private is a proof in itself.
I am really scared of being cornered by people, I'm also scared of spreading rumors. But this is not a "rumor", so people who are calling this a "rumor" are a bit... I'm scared of revealing the truth. I'm sorry towards Taeyong for bringing things that happened a few years ago but even so, what he did was wrong so I hope he stops playing innocent. There are countless of his fans who are trying to hush this issue down but I think that it would be better for him to reflect on his past and acts better. Also, since I'm the admin of the cafe I'm a bit scared since everyone in our school knows who I am... I'm scared that there will be lies belittling me that will come out.. I'm just a commoner ㅠㅠㅠ
My friends also think that I might get hurt and some of them also told me not to reveal this. But there are also other kids telling me that this is the thing that I should do, so I made up my mind and decided to upload this.
I don't want to criticize Taeyong but even so, I hope that he knows that mocking and harassing that chubby classmate and other "ugly" kids are wrong.
If there's something lacking, please let me know and I'll edit this post."

(Posts written by OP about the rules of the group cafe)

"Lee Taeyong: so... stingy
There was a notice written by me. With my real name (?)"
post response:
original post: here
1. [+284, -50]
Hul..... it seriously seems like such a traumatic event. If that's not him allying himself with the bullies, then what is it?.. At this point, Taeyong can be considered an assailant in school violence. There's also his controversy about selling second-hand stuffs online
2. [+249, -49]
A habitual fraud

"Right now, there are several netizens who found Taeyong's middle school, birthday, his ID july***, his phone number, etc. and are claiming that he was the one selling second-handed toys online. Notably, he had multiple IDs aside from july***, he also had hssa***, i55***, 1021***. He did this habitually. He was frauding other people and once people reported him, he would close one account."
3. [+233, -75]
Looks like Twitter feminists (T/N: equivalent of Stan Twitter) are shielding him again. I'm just curious, you girls call yourselves feminists but are stanning people like Taeyong who bullied a fellow female student
4. [+112, -47]
These guys are famous for their personalities no?.. Haechan with the sasaeng and Taeyong for his dirty personality

"NCT Taeyong's personality "he's like a thug, don't live like that" from an ex-trainee from SM"
5. [+105, -80]
Why before Superm's comeback though? ㅋㅋ there's no clear proof here~ your intentions are just so obvious that this has lost all its credibility
6. [+97, -10]
Then isn't that considered school violence? He got together with the bullies
7. [+73, -20]
Taeyong's fans know themselves that his personality is trash but are saying that this is all fake ㅋㅋㅋ He treats Ten so roughly and took away the V-app from the Dream kids (?), he also harrasses Jaehyun and Doyoung ㅋㅋㅋit must be so tiring to try to defend him

"I watched all their V-lives and still think that he's so-so. In the beginning, he kept embarrassing Ten and when he asked him anything, he never answered Ten back so Ten got the answer from the staffs and he kept staring ㅋㅋ meanwhile just like the comments said afterwards, there was some tension rising up. Anyways, he makes the mood go up and down, it was severe. He's the type of person to make others side eye him... it's not that he was simply tired, he just makes others around extremely embarrassed and awkward."