"I've been watching him since my trainee days and those are all facts. His personality is really sh*t, stop it with the protection already^"
(articles in the screenshots mentioned his comments towards the chubby classmate)
His instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gwooxin/?igshid=swa1uly8sbci
original post: here
1. Hul.................... His trainee days aside, wasn't he always hated for his personality?? Seems like this was pretty common, if you just google it, you can see that in 2017, all the trainees were hating him..


"NCT Taeyong's personality "He's like a thug, don't live like that" SM's ex-trainee's Ask talks behind his back"
4. I don't like Taeyong either, but I can also understand why this guy never debutedㅋ
5. He proved himself that what he said is true just with his face

6. I don't care about what he said, but he's handsomer than Taeyongㅋㅋ
7. He's better than the kids swearing at him though, anyways the fans all know that his personalities are trash but still decide to stan him so nothing is shocking here
8. I was thinking "what is he on about being SM's trainee?" and saw his pictures, he's indeed SM style
9. Huh? But fans know he's trash but still fangirl on him though?
10. It's f*cking funny how people said that there was no proof before, but after seeing his face, they acknowledge that he's SM's style and now we have a proofㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Credit: here
post response:
original post: here
1. [+280, -153]
But what he did was indeed school violence though? So it's not "school violence" as long as OP doesn't mention it?

"Over 70% of school violence is verbal abuse"
2. [+258, -197]
There hasn't been anyone who got cursed as much as him ever since their debut. I've never seen another idol apologize like him either. Anyways him and his fans are pitiful
3. [+244, -264]
After seeing his apology video, it looks like he really reflected and seems like he is working hard promoting so this is a shame. Getting hated for something you did years ago... what a pity
4. [+133, -124]
I don't understand why he's getting hated... I know he did wrong but if you look at the comments I left during my middle school, they were even more extreme.
5. [+93, -9]
Then why don't you just ask the teacher to clarify Taeyong's comment on that female student in the group cafe?
> This is not a post that clarifies him belittling his classmate. The teacher had nothing to do with that female student