Saturday, October 5, 2019


There's nobody proper
Seriously, I'm not lying
If I look at the kids around me who are dating
I seriously can't trust any men
A guy I thought who was innocent can turn out like that
I just can't trust them...
Men also know so little amount girls
I know that they are not all like that
But sometimes, I would hear the guys' conversations or when I hear my friends talk about their values with their boyfriends, I just sigh...
Seriously, there's nobody good
If I get a boyfriend, I will seriously doubt him non stop

I'm not a lesbian either
But I feel like I will become one since there's just no good guys
The more I learn about guys, the worst they become

post response:
original post: here

1. [+527, -40]
To be honest, it's true that if you look around, there's way way way less good guys than good girlsㅋㅋ

2. [+380, -21]
I seriously was in a lovey dovey relationship and then broke up and he went around lying to his friends that I slept with him. For all my 3 years at school, people were glaring at me. I couldn't date any guys after that

3. [+267, -20]
For realㅋㅋㅋㅋ because the "small part" is actually the majority of themㅋ

"Don't condemn everyone because of a small part!
- The small part"

4. [+168, -6]
But seriously, why is the majority of guys childish and ignorant? I really wanna meet a good guy

5. [+165, -1]
Just seeing my dad at home makes me not want to date any man

6. [+149, -6]
My first boyfriend that I dated for 3 years: cheated on me
Boyfriend I dated for 2 years: beat me after drinking for no reason. The second time he hit me, I was hospitalized and we broke up at the police station
My 3rd boyfriend: I told him I was a victim of dating violence and later when we fought, he said "are you gonna report me too?"
I haven't met any guys afterwardsㅇㅇ

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