Tuesday, March 17, 2020


He became more handsomeㄷㄷ

post response:
original post: here

1. [+42, -24]
Am I the only one who likes Shindong? Why is everyone hating on him and saying how it's bad that he lost weight?

2. [+40, -1]
What's wrong with you guys? You guys were whining asking why Shindong would be an idol and asking him to lose weight. Now that he lost it, you guys are saying how he was better beforeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+38, -1]
I seriously acknowledge him for working hard and losing the weight but it's just a fact that it's crooked to say that it's fine for men to gain weight while women should manage themselves all the time

4. [+9, -2]
Seriously, the comments are too much. You guys hate him for losing weight and hate him for not losing weight, then what do you guys want him to do? Just stay quiet or congratulate him. The people who are writing hate comments to him must not be able to lose weight like Shindong

5. [+6, -1]
Oh, he became cool.

6. [+6, -7]
Still bad after weight loss....

7. [+5, 0]
He would've been more popular if he lost a bit more when the group was in their heydays though


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