Corona 19 pandemic
Hundreds of billions of locusts outbreak
Typhoon and earthquakes
post response:
original post: here
1. [+141, -7]
Are zombies gonna show up in 2021?
2. [+71, 0]
This year will be imprinted in history textbooks
3. [+48, -1]
It feels like we're getting punished
4. [+16, 0]
But don't you feel that it's goosebumps inducing? If humanity still exists in some hundreds of years, don't you think that they will study 2020 in history classes?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I get goose bumps when I think about it. If that time comes, our existences will be vanished into thin air..
5. [+15, 0]
F*ck, but we haven't even went through half of the year yet
6. [+11, 0]
Meanwhile, Timothee is freaking handsome
7. [+10, 0]
I don't think that there's anything to 2020, I just feel like it will just get worse... Almost all of these incidents have to do with the global environment so there will be even more unexpected things that will happen so just buckle up kidsㅋㅋㅋ we're already late so we just have to somehow survive this