Monday, June 22, 2020


1. Choi Taejoon and Park Shinhye
They have an 1 year age gap and they both went into the acting department in Joong Ang University. They publicly announced their relationship in March 2018 and started dating since.

Currently, they have been dating for 3 years.
2. Nam Goongmin and Jin Ahreum

Nam Goongmin whose pride rests in his warm visuals is quietly dating Jin Ahreum
They met in 2015 and revealed their relationship in 2016. They have an 11 years age gap.
They started dating after meeting on the set of the movie 'Light My Fire'.

3. Yoon Hyunmin and Baek Jinhee

Baek Jinhee and Yoon Hyunmin started their relationship in 2016 and publicly confirmed their relationship in March 2017. Their respective companies said that the two met each other in 2015 on the set of MBC's 'My Daughter, Geum Sawol'

Lee Dongwhi and Jung Hoyeon

They are a couple with a 9 years age gap. Lee Dongwhi and Jung Hoyeon went public with their relationship in January 2016.

In a past interview, Lee Dongwhi said "I'm a warm boyfriend but I'm working hard to become an even warmer person" and vaguely alluded to his affection towards Jung Hoyeon

5. Ma Dongseok and Ye Junghwa

They are a couple with a 17 years age gap. Ma Dongseok and Ye Junghwa revealed their relationship in 2016 and are still dating.

There were even wedding rumors about the two recently. They said that if there is no change in their affection towards each other, it could be possible

 6. Lee Joon and Jung Somin

Singer turned actor Lee Joon and actress Jun Somin are also cultivating their beautiful relationship

The two became a public couple in 2018. 

The two started having positive feelings for each other on KBS2's drama 'My Fatehr is Strange' and developed into a couple

7. Jung Jinwoong and Kyungri

These two have went public with their relationship last year in November and confirmed that they have been dating for 2 years. 

Currently, Jung Jinwoong is currently serving in the military band but he revealed that his affection towards Kyungri has remained unchanged.

post response:
original post: here

1. [+311, -21]
Kyungri unnie, run away

2. [+253, -2]
Ma Dongseok and Ye Junghwa's dating anecdote is hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ma Dongseok was scared that people would recognize him so he was wearing a mask and hanging around but everyone just ended up thinking that Ma Dongseok caught a flu..... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+228, -16]
Skipping on Yoon Hyunmin

4. [+124, -1]
Yoon Hyunmin ugh.. He was dating Jun Somin but then news of their break up broke out. They broke up in January and 3 months later, he started dating Baek Jinhee right away but everyone's keeping it hush hush

5. [+114, -4]
Yoon Hyunmin.. that guy had a confession scene in 'Discovery of Love' and he didn't even asked for his acting partner (Kim Seulgi nim) for her permission and just did his own ad-lib and kissed her; Kim Seulgi nim was shocked and her legs became weak so she was crouching down but he was proud of it, and went on broadcast revealing it all by himself... ugh

6. [+98, -5]
Didn't Yoon Hyunmin cheat?

7. [+91, -1]
Lee Joon and Jung Somin look good together. Their picture is pretty

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