Wednesday, July 22, 2020


In 1993, she entered the royal court as a maid and met the prince for the first time
In 2005, the son was born and became the #1 candidate to succeed the throne which means she will officially become a princess, however in 2014 because of corruption scandals involving relatives, she was excommunicated from her title
(Some people also have conspiracies about how she was having an affair with another man)

The separation scene between her and her son

This is where she currently resides
All her family members have been imprisoned or purged
Her property, house and belongings, were all confiscated
Her entire household was destroyed so she has nowhere to go back to 
She's been living in a slate hut like this

original post: hre

1. The leaked birthday party video was f*cking shocking;;

2. His dad was known to have a noble character and a good king, why is the son like that?

3. There's a huge pro-democracy movement happening in Thailand right now, I really hope they succeed

4. Wow I really hate using the word barbaric for other countries, but this is seriously barbaricㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. Even if you divorce someone, you don't have to go this far...

6. Wow this is giving me goosebumps, I felt like watching a medieval times movie..

7. Is that really the 21st century;

8. If Thailand wasn't originally like this, then the king must be a f*cking r*tard

9. I watched the birthday party video and it's f*cking barbaric and disgusting

10. Are they crazy? F*ck that's the reason they're so underdeveloped

11. No but this is just cruel.... I feel so bad for her

12. Is that the same person from the birthday party? He's f*cking weird

13. That king is f*cking disgusting..... How can you abuse the biological mother of your son like this? Just how can you humiliate another human to this level? And what's up with that f*cking birthday party video

14. Ah.... I really can't find words for this

15. I really doubt that the reason why they excommunicated her was because of her family corruption. You can hardly tell what's true with a country whose king has the absolute power

16. Even taking the king's perspective, does he really need to go this far? Is this really the 21st century...?

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