Carrot Market = Korean Ebay

To CLC, from Cherry Bullet

"Hello~! We are Cherry Bullet. ^^ We made a comeback with 'Really Really'~! ^_^ It's a good song to listen to in the summer ㅎㅎ We wish that you can listen to our song and spend a refreshing summer. We also hope that sunbae-nim have a good promotion, we are supporting you ^o^!"

To CLC, from Rothy

"Hello, this is Rothy :>
I enjoy listening to your song a lot usually!
It's an honor that we get to promote together this time ㅠㅠ
I will always support you and please support my song too <3"

To CLC, from U-know
"I enjoyed your stage!! Good to see.. I hope that you become an artist (sic) that promote for a long time!! (can't read his handwriting)"

To CLC, from We in the Zone
"Hello <3 we are We In The Zone! Please take good care of us"
original post: here
1. Hul
2. This company is f*cking bad at managing their staffsㅋㅋㅋㅋ If that was my bias, my blood would be boilingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. This was of course not done by the members.... it's their staffs who don't know how to work
4. Of course the issue here are the staffs. How are they so bad at managing them....
5. What are their staffs doing....
6. Staff management?... ㅎㄷㄷ
7. Didn't they have another controversy before for throwing out albums and other people picking them up?
8. F*ck, I'm surprised to see my bias here. Are they crazy?
9. I thought they were talking about CL-sshi (T/N: written in the same way in Korean), but turns out it was CLC.. Are their company in their right mind?
10. But isn't this kind of thing always happening?
11. Hul.... U-know Yunho....?
12. Even if it's the staffs that are disposing of the albums, CLC's image will be the one receiving the damage. Their PR team should think about this a bit before acting... sigh..