Saturday, January 30, 2021


I had work today and we were on our way to the business trip together and had to calculate the unit price. 
I asked the new employee to do it and he answered "ok" with that lost look on his face
I was trying to show him this and that and he was acting weird so I asked him and he said he didn't know about it (since he's a rookie it's possible he doesn't) 
So I asked him to do it in percentage but he didn't even know the difference between a fraction and a percentage. 
I was so frustrated so I gave him a problem to solve. 
1/10, 10/100 and 100/1000?
And he wrote 1%, 10%, 100% 
Since we're 15 years apart, I was wondering if they changed the curriculum?
And when I asked him what's 2/5 in digit he wrote 2.5
it's been 4 years since he's graduated from university and he joined our company

original post: here

1. That's something you learn in elementary school...

2. How did he enter university;; 

3. Oh.. This is shocking... You learn on your 4th grade to do fractional equations... 

4. At this rate, his school certifications might be a lie 

5. At this rate he has to be joking

6. How are even kids like that able to enter school? 

7. I thought I couldn't count for a second 

8. Yah this one is quite.... Severe

9. How do you not know this????? This is taught in elementary school 

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