Tuesday, May 4, 2021


On the 4th, Son Hyun, the father of a medical student Son Jungmin (22), who was found dead six days after disappearing in a park on the Han River, said, "I found the cell phone in question." (t/n: in the previous article, it was reported as 5 days, but it was in total 6 days that he left + disappeared + got found)

He also appointed an attorney to bring case to light until the end and appealed for many to join the Blue House public petition to resolve the unjust death of his son.

Son said on his blog that day, "I found the cell phone in question," and "It appears to be smashed."

However, he said, "It will need to be confirmed," "It will be revealed soon whether it is the cell phone of his friend A, who was with his son at dawn on the day of the accident."

original post: here

1. He didn't even validate whether this was the friends' or not and there's already an article out... This is so frustrating seriously. I bet everyone will disregard the article if it's revealed that it's not the friend's

2. This isn't the friend's cellphone

3. Just let the police know and shut up... Haㅠㅠ

4. But you can tell the phone has been smashed just from the picture

5. You can easily buy an Iphone8, go to Han river and smash it 

6. Please stop jumping to conclusions and just wait... 

7. No but does it mean the student got hit by a phone???

8. The road ahead of the study of crime psychology in Korea is bright. Everyone can major in crime psychology here

9. So who's phone is it?

10. I feel like he smashed it himself ㅎㅎ


t/n: this article swap out the letters, A = Jungmin, the medical student, B = friend

A cell phone that was believed to belong to a friend B who drank with A (22), who was found dead after disappearing in the Han river park, was confirmed not to be B's cellphone through police investigation.

According to the police on the 4th, a mobile phone was found in the water near the site of A's disappearance at 1:40 pm on the same day. It is reported that the mobile phone was discovered by Cha Jongwook, a civilian rescuer who helped find A's body.

Cha handed in the mobile phone to the Seocho Police Station in Seoul at 3:20 p.m. that day.

The police set out to identify the owner of the phone, and confirmed that it was not Mr. B.

original post: here

1. I really wonder what's going on the father's head

2. These people playing Conan here, you guys almost killed someone with your deductions

3. I hope the friend sues

4. The friend is f*cking pitiful... I'll swear at him only if he gets revealed to be the criminal in the end. There are seriously no proofs so far. Even if you're a bereaved family, there are things you can't do.... I can understand if the friend decides to sue 

5. The father should take responsibility over this 

6. Why is this article not coming out? 

7. Seriously I hope the friends sues

8. The father who wrote the blog post about the phone being smashed will probably edit the post now

9. The more I follow the case, the more I pity the friend 

10. Wow are the comments on Naver for realㅋㅋㅋㅋ  It's true that it's not his friends, but nobody is believing him ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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