You can get a refund if the artist doesn't send a bubble for a whole month.
It's basically an unspoken rule that requires at least one to be sent per month.original post: here
1. Of course this should be the rule
2. They're only making this rule now? So there are actually people who've been wasting their money all this time?
3. I'm more surprised they haven't thought of this earlier
4. I'll be even more pissed if they end up only sending one per monthㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I won't even be able to get a refund
5. Ah... But as basic manners shouldn't people send at least once a month?
6. Is U-know Yunho going to come out? He hasn't sent anything for over 2 months, so can I get a refund?
7. @JungYunho @UknowYunho
8. Seriously they take fans so lightly, the fans are spending money over a service they can't even receive and they can't get a refund either
9. Just make it free... This wouldn't add a burden to the singer nor the fans
10. Obviously I should get a refund for something I paid for and didn't receive