Tuesday, May 25, 2021


1. The only thing that differs from this list is the color of each item
2. You may add long padding jacket to the list
3. They don't really think about adding more items
4. They think that no matter the trend, they will always rotate between these items (they vow to not buy anything that's trendy at the moment)
5. A full set for wedding events, or for family members who turn 70, 80 y.o, etc... they have a full set for events like these (the set is in a sealed bag in the remaining days)
6. They have no greed so they are almost reaching Buddha's nirvana when it comes to rejecting clothes
7. When others lament over how they have nothing to wear, they wonder "why do they not have anything to wear..?"

original post: here

1. That's me;;

2. #5 is seriously me

3. Why is my wardrobe here

4. That was me 3 years agoㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it was so peaceful. I was like Steve Jobs and just wore my clothes like uniforms

5. That's me ^^

6. Me too, for the last eco bag, I got mine for free somewhere

7. If you changed all these clothes to white, that would be my wardrobe

8. Please stop this civilian inspection

9. All my wardrobe got exposed

10. Where is the edit button... (T/N: OP wants to delete/change this post because it's referring to OP)

11. That's me. But looking at the past years, it never became countrifiedㅋㅋ

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