Monday, August 23, 2021

[enter-talk] JOY RELEASED A LYSN


CR. Balwoo 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+435, -5]
Wow but looking at it that day, I rather someone revealing they're dating like that... They've grown fond of each other and started dating. If my bias ends up dating, I rather they come out honestly if they get caught too 

2. [+362, -6]
I'm another group's fan and Joy is so likeable... She would've been my bias if I was a fangirl of female idols 

3. [+313, -4]
If she's like that, there's no way you can't like her

4. [+157, -1]
Sigh... Daeddy (t/n: Chen) has never apologized once, yet she's here apologizing over a dating rumor 8 years into her debut.. The fans must be thankful 

5. [+130, -0]
Crush released something too.. Joy's personality seems so good. Crush must like her a lot 
"Our Shbamies(?)...!! You guys must've been surprised.. 
It's my first time talking about things like that so I'm very nervous... 
I'm going to talk about that friend that the article mentioned..!
Nowadadys, thanks to this super super bright and optimist friend of mine, the days when I smile increased a lot and my mind also became a lot healthier...!! 
Recently, we've been slowly and doing our best validating each other's feelings and I was waiting for the best moment to let Shbamies know about this, but I got taken aback when I saw the articles revealing it before me.. My heart became heavy l thinking about how Shbamies must've been more taken aback and sad  from the shocking news.. But I'm asking you guys to please view this prettily TT TT 
I'll take responsibility over showing Shbamies a good sight of my although I've been always lacking while you guys sent me love and support all this time...! I'm always thankful, I love you..!!!!"

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