Just like yesterday, as soon as the singers were announced, they started running

This isn't the first or second time. They just did it yesterday and they're doing it again today
So are NCTzens going to take responsibility if this causes another spike of COVID and we ban all offline concerts again?
post response:
original post: here
1. [+353, -7]
Just don't ever call NCT in joint concerts anymore in the future
2. [+267, -1]
Their lightsticks are f*cking square. TXT didn't even participate today, so people saying that some of the fans were Moas just make no sense, stop dragging Moas by their hair ^^
3. [+116, -0]
I went there as a part timer today f*ck I'm writing this since there's a post about it. I was yelling at them to stop running there and got blocked why are they doing this??????????? The fact that there were family units there too, just what are they doing... Whether it was the staff or the par timers, nobody was able to stop them, what do you want us to do;;;;;;;;;;; Please wake up already f*ck
4. [+79, -3]
What's the point of pointing fingers saying "those are Dream fans" "Those are 127 fans", you guys are all f*cking NCTzensㅋㅋ
5. [+70, -2]
Even if the fans get sworn at and say stuff like "Ah I'm embarrassedㅠㅠㅠ" "Let's wake up", the moment they see the fansite pictures released, they'll go "Our babiesㅠㅠㅠㅠ"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
슈퍼콘 진짜 미치셨어요~~~~??? pic.twitter.com/8NMcdlHiMh
— oz (@ozx2os) October 31, 2021
"Supercon was seriously crazy~~~~~???"
I have so much to say...
Even when they're trying to control them, they just pushed the fence open
original post: here
1. I'm not gonna view any NCT fans positively if I see them in an offline concert, this is shocking
2. Again again....
3. Those f*cking NCTzens just pulled this b*llsh*t yesterday and they're now writing hate posts against my bias blaming on them... I bet they'll blame it on someone else today
4. Ah nowadays I was growing fond of NCT with Favorite and even bought an album, but this is making me take a step back...ㅜㅜ
5. At this rate we need to stop giving them concerts. The weird fans will all leave and once the fandom gets more organized, we can call them again
6. The singers on stage must've been frightened to see this, imagine seeing them rushing to you like that
7. At this rate, although it's not the singers' fault, we need to stop inviting them, that's the only answer.. Just give them their one man show
8. Disgusting. I hope they stop calling these singers for collaboration concerts
9. They can't be possibly doing the same thing they did yesterday? Two days in a row
10. They just did that bullsh*t yesterday and they're doing it again? Impressive

— 수줍 (@shy_jay_) October 31, 2021
대구 슈퍼콘
— 리뽀 (@Jerry__po) October 31, 2021
이건 좀 아니지 않나요;; pic.twitter.com/FryImaB3u0
"Daegu supercon
This is kinda wrong"
original post: here
1. Them again? Amazingㅋ
2. Was the fandom always like hat? I started liking the group this year but I've never been to an offline concert, I was so shocked to see what happened yesterday;; I saw the timeline and they released so many fancams, however, the fansites were all claiming they weren't the ones running, they were sitting at their seats... Is it because the age group is young?? I don't know... I can't understand them!
3. NCT must be f*cking embarrassed themselves... The fans prioritize their actions so much they're ready to taint the image of the singersㅋㅋ
4. NCT again? They were running like zombies yesterday and today towards the stage gasp
5. NCT like fans like artists..ㅋ
6. NCT again?
7. Again with NCT, they make me barf

9. There are so many members in NCT, just give them their own concert
10. KPOP's cancer cells