Jaehyun - 7K views
Taeyong - 3.9K views
Mark - 4.2K views"
In 3 minutes only, they increased it to 10K (in 3 min, they increased it by 7K views)

"Videos posted 1 hour ago
Jaehyun - 9.2K views
Taeyong - 10K views
Mark - 5.4K views"
His views randomly increased but he's the only one with low likes. He had similar number of likes as Markㅋㅋㅋ I bet that his likes will increase soon?
(By the way, they sell YouTube views and likes on Taobao (T/N: Chinese version of Amazon))

"Videos posted 1 hour ago
Taeyong - 1.8K likes 11K viewsMark - 1.6K likes 5.9K views
Jaehyun - 2.6K likes 10K views"

"Videos posted 1 day ago
Taeyong - 110K views
Jungwoo - 100K views
Johnny - 25K views
Jaehyun - 130K views"
It's so severe that it's been famous on other websites already a few years ago

Most of the fans watch them for enjoyment purposes but slowly, some started using those for malicious intent
(They fake the fancam views to make it seem like they are really popular)
I'm not sure if that's really the reason but let's take a look at the NCT Taeyong's fancam which have strange views development.
Originally, he had 19K views with 1.2K likes"
Originally, he had 19K views with 1.2K likes"

He had 72K views but 1.3K likes.
Usually, likes go up proportionately with the views so his views went up by 52K while his likes went up by 1K?
If you look at the members of his group, they usually have 1K likes for every 20K views. Anyone can tell that this is a strange increase.
After that, it wasn't enough to just touch the views so they also messed with the likes
It's been a while after they manipulated the view count, but then, they increased the number of likes by about 5K in a day.."

However, a report of suspected manipulation of likes was filed and half of his likes were cut off a day later to 2,9K likes (while the number of views rose by 4K to 79K)
The view count went up to 79K, but due to the mass purchase spam report on YouTube...
They cut off his views down to 77K - They are slowly cutting down his views so I'm not sure if they will cut down more"

"But this isn't the first time that it's being mentioned
(T/N: other screenshots of other posts talking about Taeyong's fancam views)"
Seriously, know your limits, you Chinese Taeyong fansㅋㅋㅋ Use this time to buy Taeyong's Jewel albums instead
post response:
original post: here
1. [+84, -30]
Do you think that it's possible for his views to increase by 2K while his likes increased by 5K? ㅋㅋ They should buy his views and likes at the same time. F*cking funny. His views went up to 19K in a week and went up to 72K "in only a day", but his likes were freaking low so they rushed to buy 5K likes. But his views only went up by 2K so they ended up getting caught insteadㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+73, -40]
Just like the comments on TheQoo's post, both the fans and the singer are scammers
3. [+65, -35]
Sigh, f*ck. I was wondering why YT wasn't doing anything to manage this but I guess that it's like this after they came up with a more careful plan by buying clout from Taobao after seeing how they already cut down his views a dozen of times. They even sell Nate Pann likes on Taobaoㅋㅋ
4. [+57, -2]
Do you guys know what Taobao is?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's this siteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What views can be sold there?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I tried buying from Taobao beforeㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously, I've heard everything nowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+55, 0]
Wow.. Seriously, the trolls are really sticking up to him tightly... YT views and likes always go up and down. If you streamed before, you'll know. It can get cut down as it's rising. Haven't you guys all experienced this before? When there's an error, you guys go "oh yeh!!" and take a screencap and use it as some kind of media play. Seeing how you even included his school violence pictures here, you guys just seem like his daily trolls. You trolls are seriously freaking pitiful. What kind of fight are you guys fighting?
6. [+50, 0]
Taobao?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ YT prevents the manipulation of views so it won't work. Also, please... Were you watching Taeyong's fancam views and likes for an hour? Don't you guys have anything else to do? I acknowledge Lee Taeyong's high popularity nowadaysㅠ if his views are low, he gets hate, and if they are high, he gets hate for faking them. You guys do the same and manipulate the likes on the best comments everyday so your double standards are f*cking solidㅋㅋ I also look at Lee Taeyong's views every hour so I know. His views have been steadily going up. I definitely can't trust a word from the trolls who made up dating rumors with some edited picturesㅇㅇ