The details from the Goods' app

버터 카세트… 암 생각 없이 뜯어서 개봉 영상도 안 찍었으니 교환은 할 생각도 없지만 하자가 ㅎㅎ;; 그리고 공홈 사진이랑 너무 다른 거 아니냐 이걸 같은 제품이라고 파는 건가 그냥 내가 또 호구짓 한 거지 머… 응… pic.twitter.com/pBW0xagwjb
— 랑 (@uiitx0) October 30, 2021
"The butter cassette... I tore it up without thinking much about it. I didn't even film an unboxing(?) video and didn't think about exchanging it but the defect isㅎㅎ;; Also, doesn't it look way too different from the official homepage? Are they selling this as the same product? Seems like I did something dumb again... yup..."

버터 카세트 테잎 제가 받은게 잘못 온건가요? 뭐죠? 저 하얀 바탕에 흐리멍텅한 검은 버터 글씨는...
— 혜니 (@mamang32) October 30, 2021
버터도 방탄 로고도 흐리멍텅해요ㅜㅜ
심지어 홀로그램도 없어요ㅜㅠ
가짠가? 하이브 나한테 가짜보낸거야?😡 pic.twitter.com/sc4Dn5LbOr
"Did I receive the wrong Butter Cassette tape? What's this? That white background and that blurry black Butter writing...
Both the Butter and Bangtan logo are washed outㅜㅜ
What's worse is that the hologram isn't even therㅜㅠ
Is this a fake? Did HYBE send me a fake one? >:("

버터 카세트가 막 도착했는데,, 버스에서 보이는 거랑 색깔이 다른데,,, 트친님들도 혹시 다 하얀색인가요? 아니면 이거 불량이에요? ㅠㅠ
— 행복한탄이나라(탄나) ℳ𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝒾𝓋ℯ𝓇𝓈ℯ (@cherisher__jc) October 30, 2021
I vote #Butter for #TheSong at #PCAs @BTS_twt pic.twitter.com/FuNFWfe9iH
"The Butter Cassette arrived but.. It looks different than the one on Weverse... Twitter-friends, do yours all look white? If not, is this a defect?ㅠㅠ"

버터 카세트 이게 맞냐고 하이브개시발들아.. pic.twitter.com/f2naPDDgEJ
— MOLY ⁷🧈💛 (@MOLY03097) October 30, 2021
"Is this really the Butter cassette? HYBE, you f*cking f*ckers..."
+ Goods received by a commentor in the US

original post: here
1. I'm not even surprised anymore... they don't see us as anything else than fools. I wonder how much they are selling this for..
2. I wonder if they got scammed by their partners or just view their fans as walletsㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. Hul I didn't open mine yet but will it look like that?ㅠㅠ I'm f*cking pissed
4. Huh?... in their official homepage, the cassette has that retro feel and looks pretty but the real life version just f*cking sucks. The US one isn't pretty either but even so, it looks way better than the Korean one. What is this? Are they only viewing Korean fans as pushovers?
5. I'm seriously going crazy. Do they even inspect these?
6. They only see Korean fans as pushovers
7. Dynamite was like that too... I gave them the benefit of doubt but they are really like that... They also have a bunch of remixes so I find it funny how they only have 1 song. I miss the 2.5K won tape that was fully packed with the newest music back then when I was young.
8. It seriously looks like sh*t
9. Even so, they'll still be able to sell them so they'll just never fix themselves and don't feel the reasons to either
10. They know that fans will never boycott them so...
11. The quality is too much. My bias has a cassette tape and it wasn't that bad
12. F*cking trash