Wednesday, November 17, 2021


post response:
original post: here

1. [+113, -0]
This gif was the daughter fooling around with her stepdadㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's funny to look at when you know the context

2. [+80, -18]
Ah f*ck the gif you posted was freaking scary

3. [+56, -2]
The Ministry of Health releasing a stay at home dance video during COVID ....

4. [+41, -0]
The one where she's running on her back is freaking creepyㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+30, -0]
I'm writing this after seeing the picture below. Back in the days, they used to take pictures with deceased people acting like they were still alive and it was the trend to share what the final moment with these people looked like... The photography technology is not advanced, so you have to press the camera shutter and wait for a long time to take a picture. People will naturally move a little bit so they look out of focus but the deceased people can't move so they always appear super clearly.. If you look at similar pictures from the past, you'd be able to tell who died and who's alive

6. [+26, -0]
A decapitated head from hanging sold at a makeup store

7. [+23, -0]
I never thought about how whales look like when they sleep, but I got creeped out when I saw it... 

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