post response: +78
original post: here

1. [+294, -15]
Red Velvet!! Let's have fun!!! Ah... Also the other fans, don't swear too much at RV...ㅠ RV's fans might get hurt you know...
2. [+231, -10]
The more teasers they release, the more I look forward to it!! Happy birthday Joy
3. [+216, -10]
She has bangs... Her image totally changed!!! RV let's have fun!! Fighting!!
4. [+201, -17]
Kang Seulgi is f*cking prettyㅠㅠ You can always trust Red Velvet! Hit big
5. [+182, -12]
Pretty! Seulgi's teasers look so sophisticated.. It looks like a pictorial in a magazine, she's cool!
6. [+38 ,0]
Red Velvet are all pretty
7. [+39 ,-1]
Ah unnie... I liker her monolids so muchㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
8. [+35, 0]
She's so pretty in an unique way, I can't get enough of her face