Hello, hi. It actually took a lot of time for me to write you about my story since I wondered if it will be too boring and long for everyone to read itㅠㅠ But since I’ve read a lot of other teen stories about their crushes, I just got a feeling to share mine too! Hope you can share your opinions :) There has been a guy that I liked for a long time in my class. He’s pretty tall, with nice features. He’s quite famous with the girls because of his face that somehow got this Oh Sehun from EXO vibe from the first glance. His eyebrows are on fleek and thick, the curves are just like Oh Sehun. Even though there are actually a lot more of handsome boys, but he attracted the attention by being similar to that EXO member. To be honest, I knew him since we were children and grew feelings on him when we finished middle school. We’re now on our last year of high school by the way. Who knows he could grow up to be like THAT. He was actually just a messy boy back then. So, there was this moment when I got really sick on important test day so I couldn’t get out of the bed for school. Both of my parents were busy at their work places so I was left at home alone. At that day he was texting and calling asking where I was since the exam was going to start in few minutes. Surprisingly he hung up immediately when I said I got sick really bad that I couldn’t even speak properly and couldn’t make it for the test. I thought he ended the call because he had entered the examination hall so I just let it be and went to sleep. For about 10 minutes later I found him in front of my house door ㅠㅠ it turned out he decided to take care of my since I was alone and decided to skip the exam. That was seriously the fcking moment I felt so touched ㅠㅠ Like that was so unexpected and I couldn’t helped to realise how good he is actually. I didn’t really show how close our friendship whenever we’re in the class because I’m afraid being attacked. But being how he is as always, he would try to talk casually to me and I will try to reply as short as possible since I can feel those stares watching from my back. He sometimes would noticed that, and there were days when we’re not even exchanging words in school. But the funny thing is that we acted normal and close whenever we’re outside the school and at the neighbourhood since we’re neighbours two houses away. We eventually got caught when his friends accidentally seen us together at the mall. That was a huge fuss at school since his friends spread the rumors around without checking. It was obviously gonna be only me getting affected so I took the first step to stay awhile from each other. No one denies or says anything about the rumors status. I ignored his messages, calls and even avoided him at school at a certain point. This time was really real. I didn’t talk to him in or outside the school. It was a tough time. Since I didn’t know what he really feel about me, it’d be better if I stay out of the range since of course he’s going to think me as his only close friend. And I don’t want to be the only one doing the chasing here. At some point, we bumped each other at the convenience store. It was pretty awkward so I moved away first. He stopped me, grabbing my arm. “Why did you avoid me?” Was what he asked. Fck, his voice was so deep that it left a mark in my aching heart. He asked if it was because of the rumors going on. I didn’t know what to say so I kept quiet for a while. “Are you angry because I didn’t say anything to defend you?” I replied that I was just taking my time off from him to make the rumors go down. I meant, I can’t really tell him that straight forward. He said that it doesn’t seem like it. It looked like I had something else going in my mind. Damn he knew me so well. I shook my head and pulled back my hand from him. I just said that he should be feeling sorry for not setting things straight. It was awkward to talk after those times so I started my steps away. He didn’t expect that though. My heart dropped when he suddenly raised his voice a little bit, “I didn’t say anything because I like you, XXX. Do you know that?” That was so fcking random to be honest but it was warm ㅠㅠ Let’s just date and clear things up was what he confidently said in that middle of night. I was quite dumbfounded but at the same time happy. Long short story, I eventually confessed to him too and we decided to date a week later. He spoke to his friends that he was really dating me and it turned out he had been actually liking me a long time as well ㅠㅠ I don’t want to waste your time anymore hahah but thank you for reading my silly messy words :)
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