Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « Wanna one »
(pic not included)

t/n: basically the show made a questionnaire with "questionable" questions on it without consulting W1 and it's pissing off a bunch of fans right now so much that they are requesting to cancel their participation. The survey is meant to measure the level of "kkondae" Wanna One member has. Kkondae is basically a slang that means someone who uses their "age" as a power

1. Who do you think is the most strict member? Why? (all questions have the members' names as multiple choices and a box to explain the choice made)

2. Who is the member who nitpicks the most? Why?

3. Which member is most susceptible to say stuff like "In my days, ..." Why?

4. Which member would be nagging the most when a member can't attend a get-together or other promotions? Why?

5. Which member is the most picky about their own taste when it comes to ordering food? Why?

6. Which member puts a lot of importance in receiving reactions (whenever they do something or someone else does something)? Why?

7. Which member is like the military president in the dorms? Why?

8. Who does Wannable think is the most influential one in Wanna One? Why?

9. If there are  other cute kkondae acts that Wanna One does that only Wannable are aware of, please write them down

original post: here

1. F*CK???????????

2. F*ck this will become heaven for akgaes

3. What the f*ck is "Cute kkondae"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F*ck you're quite something Mnet

4. Aren't you waiting for the akgaes to jump on this occasion by giving them an opportunity??

5. A program that will air all the dirty talks from communities... 

6. A program that allows akgaes to fight among themselves...

7. Look at the writer trying to squeeze all the kkondae acts out by masking it as "cute kkondae" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. There will be f*cking lots of trolls 

9. If one member say something wrong or the writer edits it wrongly, they will be flooded by hate

10. The Yoon Jisung trolls will go all out on this


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