Yesterday around 12AM at night, someone threw 3 Pomeranian off their windows at Daerim Acrotel.
Those 3 dogs shown in the pictures died from the fall.
People saw those videos on Youtube and everyone were swearing saying it's animal abuse, but this is just wrong. How can you throw 3 dogs off the window like that? Rather than those 3 dogs falling off the window, this seems like someone purposefully threw them out. The kid working at the 7/11 under Acrotel was the one who reported to the police. I really need to find this person. That person who threw them out of the window cannot be human.
Since this is an officetel, there must be not a lot of residents. Please share it and raise awareness so we can find the person right away.

This is in my neighborhood
post response: +2
original post: here
1. Ah I'm so mad, they can't be human
2. Please find them and punish them. We should really punish criminals who commit animal abuse more harshly
3. I can't even speak, this is making me so mad
4. Ah... Those babies ㅠㅠ We need to find them, this is so wrong...
5. Sorry kidsㅠㅠ Please find those f*ckers and punish them
6. No but just whyㅠㅠ What wrong did they commit?ㅠㅠ If you can't raise them, send them to adoption, why kill themㅠㅠ
7. Wow I'm so mad
8. Wow a swear came out, they need a big punishment
9. Wow a swear came out