Wednesday, April 24, 2019


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During the hearing, his lawyer revealed Daniel's message to the fans:
First of all, I would like to thank all my fans for this attention and love. Unfortunately, I couldn't spend more time along with my fans, but even though it might take a little while, I've come this far with the thought of walking righteously (t/n: doing it the right way), and I'll make sure it doesn't fall short from the expectations of my fans who trusted me until the end.

original post: here

1. I support you

2. I hope this isn't going to drag on forever

3. It would've taken him less time to go to the army and come back than this

4. The people we need to swear at isn't Kang Daniel, nor his fans, but the people who made his life miserable

5. You haters, this case isn't over yet, of course we're still going to support him, isn't it weirder if we abandon him midway like this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. You people who keep comparing his case to JYJ, it's not like he ditched his group and is unable to promote right now. They're the ones who failed, not him

7. But isn't Yoon Jisung walking the right path too? I know that it's hard on him, but there are still people working in the company, does he think that saying this will make him more righteous?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. You really think that he would've accepted if he saw the actual content of the contract? Of course they did it in his back

9. I just hope he wins this, Kang Daniel I support you!

10. I wish all the success to Kang Daniel... But because this case is so similar to JYJ's, it's inevitable that people are going to swear at him and compare the 2. Even my oppa asked me "Is he pulling a JYJ?" I just hope that Kang Daniel wins...

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