
The fans have rented buses to request Chen's withdrawal in his hometown Siheung, Gyeonggi-do.
Starting from today (on the 16th), they will have buses advertising for his withdrawal and will be running it for 1 month. They have rented in total 5 buses, the #23, #55 (2), #99 and #26-1. The routes crosse the main points of the two cities: Siheung City Hall, Siheung Bus Terminal, Oido Station, Ansan City Hall, and Central Station.
The advertisement will read "Our_Future_Has_No_Chen" and "We request Chen who have severed the group's image and broke the fans' trust to leave".
And also "If you voluntarily interfere with this advertisement, you will be personally liable".
original post: here
1. I do think that he went overboard with the premarital pregnancy, but it's ret*rds like them that are truly ruining the group's image...
2. Another more goosebumps inducing thing is that they probably think that doing this will make Chen lose, but he wont' quit because of that, this isn't some small city either and no one really care about it, it's just a waste of money
3. Why wouldn't they do that in front of his parents who are living in his hometown? What gives me goosebumps is their devotion to torment people until their death
4. I'm a fan who also wants Chen to quit, but this is just not it. Just them sending those mails to SM was already crazy, but this is real goosebumps inducing
5. I'm an idol fan but I can't understand them, I can only laugh at the fact of them requesting someone to quit the group just for being married.. He's never been ill-mannered to the fans before announcing his wedding, just think that someone in your bias group is a married man
6. I find it so scary that they would go so far to torment his acquaintances and family just to torment him. What a shameful way to justify their ends
7. They're ruining Chen, the fans and EXO's image
8. I find the fans pitiful. The fans have requested him to leave, but he didn't even show tears or any remorse, he basically just ignored everything
9. I'm an idol fan so I can understand those fans, but to go as far to his hometown to request his withdrawal is crossing the line... This is a headblow
10. I don't think that the EXO members will be able to sleep or promote at peace if he quits like that...