Wednesday, May 13, 2020

[enter-talk] GODGOD) WOW IT'S REVEALEDㄷㄷㄷㄷ

"The one who first made Nth Room "Godgod"... The 24 years old Moon Hyungwook who claimed to be uncatchable"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+112, -0]
F*cking hate them 
1. Jo Joobin (Doctor/24 y'o/Korean man)
2. Kang Hoong (Buddha/18 y'o/Korean man)
3. Lee Wonho (Ikiyah/19 y'o/Korean man)
4. Moon Hyungwook (Godgod/24 y'o/Korean man)

2. [+105, -0]
How can they all collectively look like losers? 

3. [+53, -0]
Make this the best reply

4. [+46, -0]
Don't show us his identify photo, but make him stand in a photo line just like Jo Joobin f*ck we all know that his face isn't like that in real life. This is f*cking photoshopped, he looks even more pulverized in real. You can see everything from the sides of his mask

5. [+46, -0]
This is what he looks like without mask, doesn't he look so common? He looks like those kids who would get their money stolen by iljins on the streets, he looks like a typical loser

6. [+35, -0]
As expected physiognomy is science.. Seriously goosebumps

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