It because I tried making a figurine of Min Yoongi from Daechwita's MV
I tried copying that picture below
post response:
original post: here
If only Bangtan Mattel looked like this, I would've bought it in an instant..
2. [+72, -0]
They really need to reflect..

OP: Hello... oppas...?
Jin: They really need to reflect seriously
3. [+67, -0]
Wow this is solid
4. [+16, -0]
No but there's this person too, she made a RM figure and it was amazing. OP really got all the details of the clothes, I feel like Suga would buy it if he saw this... OP I praise you!!!!!!

5. [+16, -0]
Bighit why didn't you hire this person..
6. [+11, -0]
Bighit what are you doing? Fast cast her
7. [+9, -0]
That's talent