This can't be good on their knees, it looks like their cartilage will be completely worn out

Looking at them hurts me even more...
Looks like the coordis purposely don't give them knee protection because it wouldn't look good but they should at least give them some for dances like these

original post: here
1. Ouch the second gif makes my knees sour
2. Which Bangtan song is the 2nd one from?
3. Aigoo, my knees can feel the pain just looking at these
4. Wow it's my first time seeing all of these. They are seriously intense
5. That Bangtan dance where they crouch down and get up is for real.... it will break their knees...
7. I'm hurting for them ㅠㅠ
8. They should at lease use some thin protection ㅠㅠ their knees won't last until the end ㅠㅠ
9. Wow the first gif hurts my so much ㄷㄷㄷ
10. But isn't this after they changed the dance for Bangtan? Or was this the original version?
11. I'd rather them not make these kind of dances anymore ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ