Saturday, July 25, 2020


post response:
original post: here

1. [+136, -2]
What's even more fascinating is that her skin has no difference, her beauty is still the same, but she went to young looking  kind of mature looking?? It's so interesting to see that she shows it less and less the older she gets

2. [+89, 3]
The legendary gif

3. [+57, -4]
Yoona the sensitive beauty for me

4. [+37, -1]
She was so pretty when she did the MC with Jang Donggun that seh even trended #1 for 2 days in a row ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  But she was seriously amazingly pretty on that day

5. [+35, -2]
Am I the only one who thinks that Yoona looks like Emma Watson? She's like the Korean Emma Watson

6. [+32, -1]
People who know her gifs, would all know the "the mic isn't working" gif

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