Tuesday, November 24, 2020


These are pictures that Winter's friend uploaded

post response:
original post: here

1. [+226, -3]
Looks like she wasn't on good terms with her friend

2. [+192, -17]
No but doesn't her nose look way too different hereㅋㅋㅋ?

3. [+163, -23]
Wow but isn't sitting on a pregnant woman's seat not it..? She needs to make peace with that friend soon

4. [+140, -12]
Wow I'm really not trying to hate on her but I'm really curious about where she did her nose... I also have a bulbous nose and want to get surgery

5. [+138, -12]
Yup, someone sat on a pregnant woman's seat and reported it to KORAIL, here's their reply. Are you guys really gonna hate on her for this?... the best replies are giving me goosebumps
"Line 1, train to Incheon, number 311040, there's a man sitting on a pregnant woman's seat"
"If there is no pregnant woman, commoners may use that seat too."

6. [+95, -19]
So shocking, Aespa is in danger (sarcasm)

7. [+77, -4]
I'm curious about where she did her nose surgery. There must be a hospital where only celebrities go right?


original post: here

1. She looks like a baby mouse. So cute

2. I thought that I was reading comments from Nate Pannㅋㅋ what's up with the hate..

3. So what if she did surgery or not? Stop turning your own thoughts into fact. Just keep your thoughts to yourself. Why leave a comment?...

4. Cute

5. She was a cutie though?

6. She was always cute. So what if she did surgery or not?..ㅋ why would you guys come here to look for her hospital's information..? The comments here are the worstㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. So what if she did her nose? It's not like it was flawed. It's her own face

8. She was already cute when she was small but the plastic surgery guesses here are insane. If someone goes up to someone else in the streets and start saying "you did your eyes, nose, etc.", they would be f*cking detestable right? Then how much prettier were you during your elementary school days? People are so rude

9. She's too cuteㅠㅠ

10. So what about the pictures that were released today? She looked like another person

11. I hope that people don't share the pictures that were posted today, they were posted without her permission right?;; ah seriously, I'm getting goosebumps. No matter if they were close or not, posting pictures without my permission would make me so disgusted. That kid who uploaded these is seriously mean

12. But she looked so fresh on the pictures uploaded today too. I didn't have any other thoughts than "she's cute"

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