"Park Hyesoo's side "school violence victims gathering? They're doing this to gain economic profit"
Park Hyesoo's victims announced that they would meet... Park Hyesoo's side stated "It's because they want to gain economic profit from this, we will take legal actions"
The company said "We will gather evidence that this was all false and respond"
post response:
original post: here
1. [+347, -0]
They've done it twice and now a third time. How many times are they going to kill the victims?
2. [+314, -0]
Skin thick like iron
3. [+227, -1]
Let's raise this post to the top trending
4. [+134, -0]
But I bet they're pissed off at home. It's my first time seeing that many victims come out and the company refusing to let her go and still shielding herㅋㅋ
5. [+130, -0]
This is what the victim who exposed her wrote on her IG. At this rate, it's not only the assailant but the company also has to apologize

"This is my official stance" (t/n: we will paraphrase)
- There are around a dozen of people in the group chat of Park Hyesoo's victims.
- Not a single one of us have mentioned anything related to asking for money/compensation
- All we want is for Park Hyesoo to apologize
- In the interview I gave to No Cut News the article title was "[exclusive] Even when contacted, she firmly gives no response.. Will proceed with legal actions", we mentioned that we tried contacting Park Hyesoo's dad first.
- There are so many proofs of us contacting the company but the company insist that everything was fake, but which part of the detailed accounts we gave was fake?
- We never talked about monetary settlement
- Their official stance is trying to distort our plead for an apology into us meeting together just for monetary gain, which is like killing the victim twice
- They're media playing to cover up Park Hyesoo's mob assault
- The school violence that has happened cannot be erased
- Countless classmates and sunbae/hoobaes have proofs of this
- We are waiting for the end of the investigation "