Wednesday, February 24, 2021


The victim who claimed the damage suffered from school violence initiated by the (G)I-dle member Soojin expressed their resentment.

On the 24th, victim A, who revealed that her dongsaeng had suffered from school bullying from Soojin, said, "I hoped for Soojin's open and sincere apology." She revealed "(The victim's) dongsaeng has suffered for at least a few years."

A said, “When Soojin first appeared on TV, I was debating about whether I should exposer her at the time, but the exact opportunity came when another victim came forward. However, the expose post was deleted right away and the truth was not made public. I got furious and I thought that I should let everyone know about the truth.”

She said, "The company rep asked me to accompany my dongsaeng (to meet with them), but that Soojin herself was not going to attend the meeting. So, I conveyed that I didn't want to meet either."

In response, A could not hide her anger. "I and my dongsaeng were not the only ones who are claiming the damages suffered by Soojin's school violence, there were definitely other victims. Soojin and her company completely ignored the suffering of the victims."

A also talked emotionally about the 2nd round of abuse caused by the fans. "I received slanderous messages and comments from her fans as her company and Soojin herself denied the school violence allegations. My dongsaeng who is the victim is also watching this situation and it's very hard to protect her." However, A said, "But seeing that I also posted (about the issue) persistently, there were some fans who apologized directly to me."

original post: here

1. The company are f*cking thugs

2. Make her retire. The other members will also get tainted by the school-violence-dol image

3. For real, the 2nd round of abuse caused by the fans is severe

4. No but if they were to resolve this, then the assailant should be present too...

5. Like singer like fans

6. Just apologize already. The singer and the fans are the same

7. At this point, they are not even thinking about the remaining members of I-dle. Cube-yah, think about the other idols you have..ㅋㅋ

8. Can this company do their work properly? Stop inciting the fans and control them a bit

9. Look at Cube's class

10. So Cube was this kind of company huh...


I'm definitely not someone lazy and I have a stable and solid career. 
To all the secondary perpetrators who have sent hate messages and comments towards me and towards my dongsaeng, 
I feel like the majority of you guys are elementary schoolers and middles schoolers who think that the idol who deceived you is the victim. That's why initially I had no intention of suing and never mentioned this. 

Due to this DM, all of the secondary perpetrators to date, I will find you like catching rats and sue you.
Searching, and searching again for all the bad comments and not leaving a single one out, I will report every one of them. 
I considered letting it slide, but I realized what these things would become if they take bigger proportions, people like them could become potential school violence assailants and even murderers. I'm going to unroot all of them for the future children. 

I'm not on Twitter, if you find hate comments on Twitter, send them to me by
Here is one example of the types of DMs I've been receiving
"Can you cut it down? I actually pitied you at first because you said you were a victim of school bullying. But right now, it just looks like you're enjoying this, you're having fun despite your age? You could've just met [Soojin/Cube] cleanly and agreed on something or received your apology, don't go running around on Internet creating this "my side vs your side" situation. Aren't you seriously embarrassed at your age? 
Your dongsaeng is pitiful too, hiding behind the unnie, what an embarrassing pair. 
Stop doing things that would get your parents sworn at, and just meet [Soojin/Cube] already. I don't want to see you again"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+675, -7]
I'm a Neverland and I just wish you can sue all of them. These fans are not needed. Please find strength. I apologize on their behalf

2. [+587, -7]
Are you sure you won't have financial issues... It feels like you'll be suing a lot and I want to help you 

3. [+410, -3]
I'm a Neverland and those f*ckers make me disillusioned to death every time I see them... .As a fellow fan, I'm so embarrassed and I apologize on their behalf. Please get them punished

4. [+272, -0]
This person is serving the model example of how you should treat an 'exposing celebrity' controversyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+242, -0]
If you haven't think of this
PD Note is waiting for the information about school violence from victims of athletes and celebrities


(t/n: we will summarize the article)

The schoolmate who identified themselves as a school alumni from SJ and SSA's middle school wrote on Nate: "The homeroom teacher, the student's head teacher, and the other kids in the same class all knew [about the school violence]. SJ would put a cigarette on SSA's table after smoking it to frame her and in the end SSA's parents had to come to school to apologize. During the graduation ceremony, SJ even stole the letter that SSA's parents wrote to her saying 'you went through a lot' and in the end, SSA never received it."
OP also said this to the fans who have been tormenting SSA "Is this really what you guys are doing to a person who grew up a good person despite having to endure all this in hell?" and added "SSA had an upright school life, she would always buy us stuff and hung out with us, she would always thank other people and was the kid who greeted others first all the time."
The OP has given her graduation diploma from Waw middle school, the graduation photo of SSA and her certification of attending the graduation ceremony. 

original post: here

1. Always supporting you fighting 

2. Shinae fighting

3. Shinaeㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  People who have it bad always picks on the people who are better

4. Cube is just like Soojin if they're not kicking her out 

5. Stop killing the victim twice and retire

6. She's seriously pitiful

7. Am I really seeing some comments shielding Soojin here?ㅋㅋㅋ  ... Yah... If Seo Soojin didn't do this in the first place, Shin Ae would've never released that thing on her IG... Soojin is the one who have wronged in the first place... Look at the facts before talking...These fans are so tiring 

8. How can you act like this and wish to become a celebrity?

9. I really don't want to see her, nor Park Hyesoo and Jo Byunggyu anymore 

10. Cube and Soojin who keep on mentioning the victim like that is disgusting

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