"I'm delivering you this news at a late time늦은시각 소식을 알려드립니다
— a (@Qwy2H8dHw1DtJWS) February 24, 2021
현재 기자 2분과 이야기중에 있습니다.
가해측에서 공식 사과, 인정이 끝까지 없을 경우 피해자들의 동의를 얻은 뒤 PD수첩 제보 또한 검토중입니다.
Currently, I'm talking to two reporters.
In the case that there is no official apology and acknowledgement from the assailant until the end, I will obtain the victims' consent. We are reviewing the information for PD Note (investigative journalism program on MBC)"
PD Note is currently accepting information regarding school violence

We are waiting for information from victims of school violence carried by athletes or celebrities"
original post: here

"No matter what, one person in our team needs to go out"
2. Fighting
3. I hope that she retires soon
4. What sin did the other members commit? Just send her off quickly, f*ck
5. I think that the best thing would just be to acknowledge and apologize now that she's still talking nicely;;;;;
6. Yeah, let's just watch PD Note
7. I hope that Unanswered Questions cover it too
8. Let's go until the end ^^
9. Celebrities are supposed to be good influence to people... so I don't want to see someone unrighteous on TV
10. Soojin-ah, let's leave
11. Cube is hopeless. Looks like they are not thinking about the other members at all
12. Cube-yah, if you're not kicking her out right now, it's seriously over. Soojin-ah, aren't you sorry towards the other members? Just like you said, people really don't change. Make sure you acknowledge it and apologize and end this
13. It's all collapsing
14. Wow crazy seriously.... find strength. I hope that the assailant acknowledge it and apologizes to her