Gen Z (mid 1990's ~ early 2000's)
Survey time 2021.03.09~2021.03.18
#1 SixTONES - Matsumura Hokuto

#2 Snow Man - Meguro Ren

#3 Twice - Momo

#6 Twice - Jihyo

#7 BTS - Jimin

1. Wow I kinda understand the vibe they are going for. These people from our country are all full of passion and cool
2. Yamada Ryosuke is here too ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I f*cking like him
3. Ooh our Jiminieㅎ
4. Jihyo's picture is daebak.....
5. Oh Jimin, Jihyo!!
6. Seeing at Momo and Jihyo like that, they seem to have the face that Japanese people like. They look like the raccoon and frog type (not in a bad way). Momo kinda looks like the popular Arimura Kasumi while Jihyo kinda looks like Oguri Shun's wife Yamada Yu
7. Korean idols are here. Jihyo and Jiminㅎㅎ their names both have the same characterㅋㅋㅋ
8. Jimin...😍 Jihyo and Momo's eyes are seriously pretty
9. If you're gonna post about this, write everyone down at least, what's with your standards...? #4 is Ono Satoshi ㅠ

10. Tegoshi Yuya though.............