Next Level
original post: here
1. Isn't it because it didn't hit big the moment it came out but slowly hit daebak with time?
2. I liked the original version for Fast and Furious so much
3. Hul the song is so good though.. what a shame. This was the best song that came out this year in my opinion. The vibe of the song kept changing so I never got bored ㅋㅋㅋ
4. I don't listen to Melon's top 100 so I don't really know what are the trendy songs nowadays but I learned about this song through variety shows
5. The timing is also very important in order to win #1 on broadcast. Even so, it's true that it's a shame
6. The 'ㄷ' dance move was just so well-made ㅋㅋㅋ I've seen it so many times because a lot of celebrities did it too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7. I hope that when they come back, they can win #1. Aespa, fighting
8. Hul, I had no idea. It's indeed unexpected
9. Isn't it because they have a small fandom?
10. Hul I was so sure that they won #1 already ㅠㅠ
11. It's because Next Level rose up on the charts only after a while
12. Hul I had no idea that they didn't win #1 because a lot of muggles know about this song and it hit daebak ㅠ what a shame. But me too I prefer the original version
13. I don't really listen to idol songs but I know this one. So they didn't win #1 huh..
14. I also find it f*cking surprising. I seriously don't really know any songs but I know this one because it kept on being mentioned in the HOT talks. I'm also familiar with the ㄷㄷㄷ Oooh-weeee~~~ partㄷㄷㄷㄷ
15. This was also the song I listened to the most this yearㅋㅋㅋㅋ