Saturday, February 3, 2018


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EXO-l: Their fighting power goes bang!bang! When they have to fight against other fandoms for votes, etc. they're f*cking strong. EXO also really likes their fandom. The fandom is super huge so it's sometimes hard to coordinate and control everyone

Agase: They're pretty quiet usually but once they start voting, they become prominent. Like their name says, they're pretty docile

Army: If anyone dare to touch their bias, their fighting power becomes f*cking strong. When there's fanwars, they would say "don't feed the troll" and kepe being my-way. But only when people touch their bias, like their names, they would literally become an army

Wannable: The unique thing about them is that they're the only fandom who has more individual fans than all-fans because of Produce. The members are all widely known by muggles and their fire power is strong. It seems that it's hard to achieve a consensus within that fandom

Reveluv: I've never seen a real hardcore Reveluv so I don't really know... So far, people who fangirl on RV are mostly muggles who say stuff like "wow they're pretty" "they have good songs" "This song is so so" etc.. they have a lot of female fans

Once: They have an overwhelming upper hand in terms of male fans. Once form the majority of male communities fans so it feels like they have some friction with other fandoms since they're different?

Uaena: The singer and the fans are pretty gentle. They would sometimes get mad when IU doesn't receive the award despite her results. Their demographics is pretty wide, so they don't really have a streaming culture or some kind of fandom culture

Melody: They're on the innocent end. The singers aren't problematic and they're talented, they also have good digital resultsㅇㅇ  they don't like the company, but they're fangirling very quietly. They are just proud whenever their singers are funny

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original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.03 18:30 신고하기
Aren't you too kind to EXO-Ls?

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.03 21:18 신고하기
Armys don't care as long as you don't touch Bangtan, so don't touch them...

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.03 21:26 신고하기
EXO-Ls aren't jealous, but they have a lot of bad apples

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.03 21:40 신고하기
Army really doesn't create any fuss as long as it doesn't involve Bangtan. But because other fandoms keep touching them, we've become pretty sensitive over trending tags

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.03 18:22 신고하기
Army and Melody analysis is too funny..ㅋㅋ The fact that Armys are living up to their names and the fact that Melodys are happy as long as BTOB is funny..ㅋㅋ It's so accurate.ㅋㅋ

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