original post: here
1. Did they get the copyrights to do it? And does China likes red that much, they're all dressed in red ㅋㅋㅋ
2. Didn't they buy the copyrights off the male version?
3. Ah my heart hurts... Seonee-yah Migi-yah.. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
4. The WJSN Chinese members are all going.. ㅜ
5. ????????? Isn't this WJSN
6. Ah it looks so fun I wanna watch it
7. Oh they paid the money to buy the copyrights...Good
8. Since they actually bought the copyrights, the quality will be better
9. The original is pink, the kids looked prettier in pink...
10. They're all so pretty